We are 7 months along with
A Beautiful Mess and by showcasing each of the talented and beautiful women within; I've opened our doors to all of you. Now it is time to introduce you to the last of us.....Me.
My journey into the world of interiors and antiques was somewhat unique.... to say the least. Almost right out of high school I tested and was hired as a 9-1-1 Santa Monica Police Dispatcher. For those of you that know me, that didn't know this about me, I know you're saying.....WHAT?
Yes, I worked all night, in a dungeon with no windows, with crazy people calling, children needing help, victims of violent and non-violent crimes and even more crazies. It was an extremely rewarding, yet a very stressful job for 11 years. I trained new dispatchers that were hired, as well as helped and dispatched Police Officers in the field to respond and deal with life threatening and critical incidents.
On a wall in my home I have a very special reminder of a day out of my career in 1997; a Life Saving Medal and the Citation for the award. I'm very proud of this; even though it's taken me years to share it with people. On this day, I saved a young model from committing suicide. She had painstakingly planned this out, down to the most minute detail and had her pistol in her hand when she called 911 and reached me on the line. For nearly two hours I was her lifeline and prevented her from shooting herself and two Police Officers. At the time, I was the first and only civilian employee in the history of the department to have been awarded the Life Saving Medal by the Mayor and Chief of Police and today I feel extremely proud and honored.
As a young girl I always loved color, texture and design, something my Mom tells me I acquired from my Great Grandmother who in her time was a Designer. I would spend my free time rearranging my room trying to hide the wall to wall pink shag carpet and Holly Hobby wallpaper that my Mom wouldn't let me take down. I even went so far as to give the shag rug haircuts to try and change the look of the room. My love of Design never faded as I grew older. I knew that being a Dispatcher wasn't a job I could do forever. One day while working on my own home I was approached by a Designer that I had hired to create some window treatments that I had designed. She came into my home and after learning of what I did for a living, told me I was missing my calling and that I needed to get myself "out there" because opportunities awaited me. My time as a Dispatcher had come to a close and it was time for a new chapter in my life. I started Interior Motives by Kymberley Fraser in 1999 doing Interior Design in homes and offices all by word of mouth. Being self taught meant that I had to learn as I grew and I have to say that, that in itself was a huge growing experience for me. As I made custom pieces of furniture over the years for my jobs, I always dreamed of someday having my own furniture/accessory line.

That dream became reality while working on my own home "again" several years later. In my hunting and gathering travels I came across an antique German grain sack. I was intrigued by the beauty and history and the unbelievably beautiful script and graphics. After the long process of educating myself and finding the right sources, I began collecting these pieces of history. From there, it was simple. it was time to bring these pieces back to life and turn them into heirlooms by creating
3 Fine Grains.
3 Fine Grains is named after my 3 beautiful daughters.
The early success of 3 Fine Grains was mainly due to the wonderful world of blogging. Especially after being introduced to Gina from
Willow Decor. I didn't even know what a blog was (boy has that changed). If you haven't been to her blog, it's a must follow. I will be forever grateful for all that her blogging has done for my business as well as all the other wonderful bloggers I have met along this journey.
As my home business grew, I decided it was time to find a showroom. I found my new home in a local antique collective and began doing shows such as
Remnants of the Past and the
C.A.L.M Antique Show to promote my design business and 3 Fine Grains.
Over time I was selling to stores in and out of the Country and was loving every minute of it. Especially the great people I've met along the way. Within the walls of the collective is where I met all the wonderful ladies I share my store with today. A Beautiful Mess was born out of necessity; less than a year after we all met. What a blessing it has been for all of us. "The Mess" has allowed me the space and the freedom to showcase my 3 Fine Grains Designs along with the Industrial and European Antiques that I sell.
I always dreamed of having a store but never did I imagine the joy it would bring me every time I unlock the door. My journey's not over.... it's only beginning and I want to thank everyone that's supported, loved, advised and helped me along the way.
In closing, I would like to thank my amazing husband of almost 20 years for always standing by me, and for loving and supporting me the whole way. I wouldn't be where I am today without you by my side. To my girls, thank you for putting up with all of Mommy's "dirty sacks", the long hours I work and for making me want to be the very best I can possibly be.
I hope you all have enjoyed the "introductions" and now have a clearer picture of who we all are individually. We want to thank you all for following us on our blog and on Facebook. It's all of you that have helped make this journey such a success.
P.S. I'll be selling at The Alameda Pointe Antique Show this coming Sunday with The Junk Girls in spaces B20 & B21. Stop by and say hello!